A FUN way to develop STEM skills!

The Jig Is Up? was created with families and educators in mind! We wanted to create a fun way to develop critical thinking and analytical skills in children - especially to promote STEM skills. What we have found is that young and old love these challenges!

Our Jigsaw Brain Challenges keep your brain sharp.

Capturing 5 of the 8c’s of Education:

Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, Curiosity, Communication

Dave is a 31-year educator in the NYS State School System. Dave earned a B.S. in History and a Master in Education and School District Leadership. Dave has served at all levels in the school system including Superintendent, Principles (High School, Middle School, and Elementary) and 17 years classroom instruction.

Patti is a 37-year veteran in the Computer Science field. Patti earned a B.S. in Information Systems Management and an MBA. She has held a variety of Computer Science positions including Director of IS. In addition, she has taught Computer Science Courses at several local colleges.

Why Jigsaw Brain Games?

“Jigsaw puzzles aren’t just fun. They can also relieve anxiety, especially when you put them together, well, together.” - Caitlin Agnew, “Here’s Why Jigsaw Puzzles Are Good for Your Brain” - Reader’s Digest - April 01, 2022.

“Puzzling is a mental workout that stimulates both sides of the brain—the left, or more logical side, and your right, or more creative side,” L’Oreal Thompson Payton, “The life-changing magic of puzzling: Why solving jigsaw puzzles is good for your mind and body” - Fortune Well - October 2, 2022.

“Solving jigsaw puzzles is a cognitively challenging activity, which is important for people of all ages. - Melissa Locker , “A Healthy Distraction: The Benefits of Jigsaw Puzzles for Children and Adults” - Southern Living - August 15, 2022.